In the current situation, things are going from bad to worse.
We have slithered from "2 weeks to break the curve" to going on 21 MONTHS now...and from no masks, to masks, from no vaccine to a vaccine that the Dems denounced and refused because it came from he whose name shall not be spoken (T) to EVERYBODY WILL HAVE THE VACCINE. And lets not forget that So-called "Herd Immunity" has been redefined from 65%, to 70%, to 78% to 85% and now to EVERYBODY WILL HAVE THE VACCINE, regardless of the risks. (REALLY, they are very small... Trust us. "Just take it" the pundits hawk, like carnival barkers, (Pay no mind to the patient behind the curtain).
With a Federal vaccine MANDATE, with some nebulous exemptions listed, but scoped so tightly and with so many dis-allowals that they make no sense and likely are causing more harm than good. We have now passed into the twilight zone.
so-called medical exemption statutes do NOT allow for an allergic reaction to a
previous vaccination. Nor do they allow for the natural immunity from already having HAD COVID.😠
it’s OK to deliberately induce a life-threatening anaphylaxis and treat THAT,
for the dubious benefit of added (perhaps) immunity over the natural immunity
gained from an all-natural COVID infection. (BTDT, was tough but not insurmountable...and I did it alone in a foreign country no less)
If you have never experienced a severe anaphylactic reaction, the form it took for me was the sensation/reality of not being able to breathe...until I passed out. At some point afterwards I was injected with an Epi-Pen or something similar and revived.
So I'll invite anyone who wants to dismiss the possibility of
the reaction to simulate it by taping a plastic bag over one’s head and struggling to
breathe until they pass out. After you pass out, and someone else takes off the bag, come back and tell me that it’s OK, that its no big deal.You better chose someone you trust...maybe someone you owe money to?
Were there a simple 1) get vaxxed or 2a) get tested regularly and on demand, that would be FINE...but the addition of 2b) OR Lose Your Job is not acceptable or ethical in any case that I can see.
We Call That Coercion.
The straw men and red herrings abound...comparisons to Typhoid Mary, to deliberate killers roaming and coughing on the innocents to deliberately infect them. To Selfish People who care not for their fellow denizens. The list is almost as long as a NY phone book.
Yet, there are those for whom the vaccine is contraindicated, and we are scorned, shamed and called unpatriotic. For those people, taking the vaccine can be likened to playing Russian Roulette with only one chamber empty instead of the traditional one chamber loaded. Is it any wonder they do not wish to run the risks? And yet the scorn, the shaming and the firing from employment are heaped upon them like hot coals. Is it any wonder that they are angry, hurt and feeling unwanted in society?
We are creating a divided society, one where the dividing line is the taking or not taking of a vaccine of dubious efficacy, one that doesn't PREVENT the disease! (The definition was even revised to account for this...WHAAT?) Just change the rules of the game if its not going the desired way.
WHEN this currently perpetual pandemic finally blows over and the COVID-19 is little more than another type of flu (you know the one that kills 30K-60K folks every year?), how will the scorned and shunned reintegrate into society?
Will they just shrug and embrace those who shunned, scorned and abused them? Human nature tells me "Not so Much", this behavior, especially for those who lost their livelihoods, homes, friends (obviously, shallow ones) and sometimes loved ones will not go back like it was before. I think that there will be a lingering animosity that will come out at unexpected intervals and in random situations and the pro-vax fraction will be surprised and stunned...and STILL not understanding how their actions brought this reaction upon them... It's likely that those who were run out of employment and all that it enables will harbor a long-lasting anger and possibly a desire for vengeance. Politics will change over this, as will habits. Not for the better.
I think that history will not look kindly on the unkind side of humanity, on the scorn and humility and for the unvaxxed, the loss of incomes, homes and livelihoods and the resulting problems that brings.
And remember if you laugh scornfully and say "Quit whining and take the vaccine, I did!", what if you were one of the ones who died after taking it...normal, healthy, vivacious folks like a young mother who wanted to be a room mom to her daughter, like the single mom who took the vaccine to be an example to her daughter...and died for her wishes. Like the folks who come out with an enlarged heart or other severe injuries and all the health problems that they brings, the other vaccine related injuries...will you also scorn them? Or are they just casualties in the great drive forward...un-lamented but for their own people? Maybe they are your family, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers wives, husbands parents and their loss just to be swept under the rug?
And finally why the lies about the deaths, the counting of decapitations, death from gunshot wounds, Motor vehicle incidents and a host of other NON-COVID causes that are logged as COVID deaths, is it the perverse incentive for the hospitals, that they get more money? Why are the risks of taking the vaccines not laid out like the litany of risks for the latest wonder drug to fight one of our society's growing host of ills? Why are they hidden, the deaths downplayed, the permanent negative health effects not covered in the same light as the deaths and permanent negative health effects of COVID?
Give people the FACTS and let them make an informed decision, allow them that, instead of the scorn and shaming that they do not follow YOUR choice.
Threatening ones livelihood is Coercion. It will come back to bite us as a society
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